About Us
Our Story
Spirituality, Acceptance, Creativity
Where each person is valued and important, and where all are welcome.
The Actors’ Temple, Congregation Ezrath Israel, is a place where spirituality meets creativity. Our warm community welcomes all people who are searching for a deepened relationship to God and Judaism, for self expression, learning, and friendship. In our house of God, all people are included and appreciated.
Our Unique and Proud History
Congregation Ezrath Israel, “Helper of Israel,” was founded in 1917 as the West Side Hebrew Relief Association. Our building, a national landmark, dates from 1923. We count among our former members the entertainers: Al Jolson, Joe E. Lewis, Sophie Tucker, Edward G. Robinson, Moe and Curly of the Three Stooges, Jack Benny, Shelley Winters, Milton Berle, Henny Youngman, and many, many others. Please see our History page for more information and photos.
Our Approach to Judaism
We are eclectic and post-denominational, retaining some traditional elements of worship, and including modern forms of ritual.
We have a Reform-style service, using the Conservative prayerbook.
Visit Rabbi/Cantor Jill Hausman’s Blog to read her sermons.
The Actors’ Temple: Where The Enduring Values of Judaism Translate into Human Connections
Things to do
Come to our weekly Shabbat services, our full program of Jewish holiday celebrations, and the opportunity to read from the Torah on select Saturdays.
For children: Bar & Bat Mitzvah Training offers an exciting, fun, and rich curriculum, at a very reasonable cost.
For adults: mid-week Torah study, Shabbat Torah discussion, and frequent special programs.
We also welcome the sponsorship of our Oneg Shabbat, special services, and other events.
Meet people in person and/or visit our Facebook Page to communicate with other members and friends, and give us a “Like”.
We are happy to celebrate all your life cycle events!
We are here for you in times of need for Memorial services, yahrzeits.
Join Us
Membership is only $180 for an individual, $360 for a family! And members get discounts on High Holiday tickets and on other events.
Give & Receive
Make donations, buy Tickets, Memberships, commemorative leaves on our Tree of Life plaque, the AT tee-shirt, or the book "The Rabbi on 47th Street", a memoir about the history of the synagogue at our Online Store.