Recent Major Events

Celebrate the Extraordinary Career of
Broadway Director and Choreographer Jerome Robbins

With Amanda Vaill, author of “Somewhere: The Life of Jerome Robbins”, who will discuss her book with moderator theater critic Peter Filichia.

Part of our Meaningful Mondays series.

We will honor Actor and Director Jason Alexander. Debbie Gravitte, actress and singer, Andy Lebon and Rita Neidich, singers, will perform.

An exciting evening not to be missed! Presented by Douglas Cohen and Carol Ostrow.

Monday, June 12th, 2023, 7:30-9:30 pm

Tickets: $60 (non-members) • $50 (members)

To order now, call 212-245-6975, or email, or visit our online store at!/Actors-Temple-Summer-2023-Jerome-Robbins-Celebration/p/547985775/category=0.

Yom Yerushalayim Shabbat

Friday, May 19, 2023, 6:30 PM. Service and Talk-Discussion. Ronnie Gersten sponsors the Oneg in Loving Memory of her Grandfather, Louis Gersten. Yaniel plays piano for the holiday.

Juneteenth Shabbat

SHABBAT: Friday, June 16, 2023 6:30 PM, Service and Juneteenth Commemoration.

A trip to "The Sassoons" at The Jewish Museum

NB: DATE CHANGED, to be announced.

The Sassoons reveals the fascinating story of a remarkable Jewish family, following four generations from Iraq to India, China, and England through a rich selection of works collected by family members over time. If interested, please contact Rabbi Jill (

Pride Shabbat

SHABBAT: Friday June 23, 2023, 6:30 PM, Pride Shabbat Service.

Broadyway Shabbat

Friday, May 5th, 2023, 6:30pm

Douglas Cohen, Joanne Borts, and Neva Small, are scheduled to join Aron Bederson, Judy Buchman and Rabbi Jill, who will perform with Pianist Steven Silverstein. Join us for Broadway Show Tunes and beyond! Music sponsored by Barbara Bova. Oneg Shabbat after the festivities.


EREV SHAVUOT: Thursday, May 25, 6:30 PM: A brief Service & Study on Zoom only. Same link as Shabbat Services.

SHABBAT SHAVUOT MORNING SERVICE: Saturday, May 27, 10:30 AM. Hallel and Yizkor will be said. Only on Zoom.

Tisha B'Av Service and Film